How to Correctly Charge Sales Tax for your Online Store

Open sign hanging in shop window

Do you charge sales tax on the products in your online shop? Do you know how to report your sales tax to the proper state? If the answer to these questions is “no”, don’t worry—you’re not alone.

Until recently, the regulations on sales tax for online businesses were sparse and rarely enforced. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a precedent which protected online shops from sales tax regulation, leaving the door open for each state to enforce sales tax laws on online businesses as they see fit.

What does that mean for you? It’s time to take a look at how you charge sales tax in your online store and which states’ laws apply to your business.

Sales Tax Basics

For brick-and-mortar retailers, sales tax is charged on physical goods and remitted to the state annually based on laws and tax rates set by state, county, and local governments.

For online businesses, sales tax laws have previously only been enforced in the state where the business has a physical location or office, or where the business owner lives. This means that online businesses have historically only needed to pay the government for the appropriate tax on purchases made by customers who reside in the same state as the business is located.

As of June 2018, sales tax will need to be charged and remitted for any state where the business has “economic nexus” based on criteria set by each state.

Determining Sales Tax Nexus

Nexus simply means an obligation to remit sales tax in any given state. You can have nexus in a state because you have a physical location there (physical nexus), but now you can also have nexus in a state based on the amount of sales you have in that state in any given year (economic nexus). Essentially, for most states, if you reach a certain threshold in sales to customers of a state, you will need to pay the state what you owe in sales tax on those sales.

This is a new concept for online businesses. Some states were prepared for this ruling with a set threshold for economic nexus, others quickly created one, and still others don’t have sales tax at all.

As an online store owner, you must determine whether you have nexus in each state based on your sales. You can see a full list of what qualifies you to have nexus in each state here.

Additional Resources


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